
When the heart sings out in joy,
Or sorrow wraps shadows tight,
Tears fall like pearls of light.

Tears water the soul's deep ground,
As fields of joy with smiles surround,
Feelings within, treasures found.

They tell of true emotions,
In the heart's deep oceans.

Tears tell stories, fragile and true,
Of longing and what we've been through,
Love's doves flying, skies so blue,
Through sadness, tears renew.

Memories heavy with sorrow’s weight,
Images of past moments dictate,
Mind's scars, hard to mitigate.

Tears carry the whispers of life's tale,
Fleeting joy, and longing's sail,
Waves crashing on shores frail.

In their shimmer, solace we find,
In the soul's depths, peace entwined.

Tears tell stories, fragile and true,
Of longing and what we've been through,
Love's doves flying, skies so blue,
Through sadness, tears renew.

Joy and sorrow meet in tears' embrace,
Seeds of comfort, even in the chase,
Emotions' hues leave their trace.

Crying may lead us to a brighter day,
Embracing feelings, finding our way,
Streams of tears pave paths to sway.

Each tear bears its own decree,
Part of life’s grand tapestry.

Tears tell stories, fragile and true,
Of longing and what we've been through,
Love's doves flying, skies so blue,
Through sadness, tears renew.

Every tear holds its own grace,
In its waters, serenity finds its place. 

Edellinen    Seuraava
